12 - Optimizations




-Joint max influence 2 (for regular enemies) 

-Joint max influence 3 (bosses, small main character) 

-Joint max influence 4 (player character if needed to be pretty) 

-Remove unused influences 

-Reduce polygon count (LOD`s maybe for skeletal mesh) 


-Reduce bone count to minimum needed for results 

-lock unused manipulations (rotations/translation/scale) this affects the calculation in engine. 

-is physics necessary? If not, turn it off 

-Share skeletons within Unreal. If the skeletons have the same base hierarchy, they can share animations. Regardless of Skeletal mesh. 

State Machines​: 

-Make sure animations are fast path 

-https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/Animation/Optimization/FastPath -Do not put everything in the Anim Graph. Use montages. 

-Use layered animation (ex: upper body blends) 

Grouping animations into an FBX is also valueble for a big optimization. For example, think about what animations will play more and be most used on screen and group those together in an FBX because is faster to load 1 fbx with 20mb than to open 20 of 1mb. Also is better for programmers to load and unload them in game to liberate resources.

The Animation Budget Allocator (or Anim Budgeter) system constrains the time taken for animation data that is run by dynamically throttling Skeletal Mesh Component ticking. The intent is to use a fixed CPU budget (not to exceed it) while maximizing perceived animation quality with minimal system overhead.

The system determines a fixed budget per platform (milliseconds (ms) of work to perform on the game thread), and it works out if it can do it all of the work needed, or if it needs to cut down on the work to be done. If it needs to be cut down, it does so based on Significance and targets several areas with the goal of dynamically adjusting the load to fit within the fixed (game thread) budget. Areas of which include:

  • Stop ticking and use Master Pose Component.

  • Perform updates at a lower rate.

  • Interpolate (or not) between updates.

Enabling Anim Budgeter

To use the Animation Budget Allocator, you will need to first enable it from the Plugins menu.

  1. Open the Plugins menu from the Edit > Plugins option. 

  2. Under Programming, enable the Animation Budget Allocator plugin and restart the Editor. 

Using the Anim Budgeter

To use the Anim Budgeter, enter the following console command by pressing the ` (backtick key):

  • To enable - "a.Budget.Enabled 1"

  • To disable - "a.Budget.Enabled 0"

When enabling the plugin, Anim Budgeter is automatically enabled.

You can also enable/disable the Anim Budgeter through Blueprint using the Enable ANimation Budget Blueprint node.

Currently, this is the only aspect of the system that is exposed to Blueprint, the rest of the system is based around CVars and C++ API calls.

To enable the debug display:

The ability to enable the display of debug information is available in the Master Branch in GitHUb currently only. This feature will become more widely available in 4.23.

  • To enable debug display - "a.Budget.Debug.Enabled 1"

  • To disable debug display - "a.Budget.Debug.Enabled 0"

Once enabled, a graph will be displayed inside the Viewport at runtime.

The graph is comprised of the following:

  1. Time in ms smoothed over a kernel of about 20 frames (makes it easier to read trends and is the time taken per-tick). 

  2. Total Time

  3. Anim Budget (dotted line)

  4. Performance (solid line)

The performance will vary based on the amount of work that needs to be done. Below, the dotted line is our Anim Budget and the solid line is our performance. We are currently under budget as only a single character (the player) is ticking.

Below, we increase the number of characters to 10 and the hit on performance is seen by the spike in performance (noisy lines). There are two lines for performance, the gray line is the actual system performance and is a bit noisy and fluctuates depending on the load of the system. The smooth white line gives you a better idea of what the actual system performance is.

In the final example below, we increase the number of characters to just over 100 and you can see that the performance hovers around the allocated budget (dotted line).

This is only for animation and represents how often animation is being ticked.

Anim Budgeter tries to keep the overall amount of work that the system is doing within the budget and tries to maximize the quality that the system can produce. It will try and run the closest, most significant meshes at the highest framerate it can and push the framerate of lesser significant things or things that are further away lower. It does this all whilst filling out the budget with the total amount of work that needs to be done.

On each of the Skeletal Meshes, you'll see debug data:

The numbers show the rate at which the mesh is being updated. A value of one would mean that it is being updated and ticking every frame. A value of five would mean, that every five frames, it would perform an update and tick.

As an example, in Fortnite, characters are comprised of several Skeletal Meshes (heads, bodies, backpacks, etc.) all of which can be ticking at a given time. As we run the Anim Budgeter, you'll notice that in addition to how often the mesh updates which is represented by the numerical value, the text LoHi, or I are used. This represents how the mesh is ticked.

  • Hi (or high detail) - means that Skeletal Mesh components and running more expensive logic. 

  • Lo (or low detail) - means that expensive logic (such as extra character parts or more expensive work that can be skipped at a distance) is not running. 

  • I (or interpolating) - means that the Skeletal Mesh is interpolating between frames.

The example below illustrates how the Anim Budgeter updates and priorities are shifted based on the amount of animation work needed.

Video thumbnail

Anim Budgeter C++ API

You can access the C++ files for Anim Budgeter inside your Engine installation folder under:

  • Engine\Plugins\Runtime\AnimationBudgetAllocator\Source\AnimationBudgetAllocator\Public\

Below is the IAnimationBudgetAllocator.h:

// Copyright 1998-2019 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
class USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted;
class UWorld;
struct FAnimationBudgetAllocatorParameters;
 * Dynamically manages skeletal mesh component tick rates to try to maintain a specified budget.
class IAnimationBudgetAllocator
    /** Get the budgeter for the specified world */
    static ANIMATIONBUDGETALLOCATOR_API IAnimationBudgetAllocator* Get(UWorld* InWorld);
     * Register a component with the budgeter system. If the component is already registered this function does nothing.
     * Once this is called:
     * - Default tick function will be disabled
     * - URO will be disabled
     * - Parallel anim tasks will be re-routed to the budgeter
    virtual void RegisterComponent(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* InComponent) = 0;
     * Unregister a component from the budgeter system. If the component is not registered this function does nothing.
     * Once this is called:
     * - Default tick function will be re-enabled
     * - URO will be re-enabled
     * - Parallel anim tasks will be re-routed back to internal functions
    virtual void UnregisterComponent(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* InComponent) = 0;
     * Update the prerequisites of this component. Should be called when prerequisites may have changed externally.
    virtual void UpdateComponentTickPrerequsites(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* InComponent) = 0;
     * Set the significance and other flags for the specified component.
     * This information is used to dynamically control the tick rate of the component.
    virtual void SetComponentSignificance(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* Component, float Significance, bool bNeverSkip = false, bool bTickEvenIfNotRendered = false, bool bAllowReducedWork = true, bool bForceInterpolate = false) = 0;
    /** Set the specified component to tick or not. If the budgeter is disabled then this calls Component->SetComponentTickEnabled(bShouldTick). */
    virtual void SetComponentTickEnabled(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* Component, bool bShouldTick) = 0;
    /** Get whether the specified component is set to tick or not */
    virtual bool IsComponentTickEnabled(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* Component) const = 0;
    /** Inform that we reduced work for a component */
    virtual void SetIsRunningReducedWork(USkeletalMeshComponentBudgeted* Component, bool bInReducedWork) = 0;
    /** Set the tick time */
    virtual void SetGameThreadLastTickTimeMs(int32 InManagerHandle, float InGameThreadLastTickTimeMs) = 0;
    /** Set the completion task time */
    virtual void SetGameThreadLastCompletionTimeMs(int32 InManagerHandle, float InGameThreadLastCompletionTimeMs) = 0;
    /** Tick the system per-frame */
    virtual void Update(float DeltaSeconds) = 0;
    /** Set whether this budget allocator is enabled */
    virtual void SetEnabled(bool bInEnabled) = 0;
    /** Get whether this budget allocator is enabled */
    virtual bool GetEnabled() const = 0;
    /** Set the various parameters */
    virtual void SetParameters(const FAnimationBudgetAllocatorParameters& InParameters) = 0;

Additional Console Commands

The following console commands can also be used for debugging the Anim Budgeter:




Range [0.1, 0.9], Default = 0.8

Controls the rate at which 'always ticked' components falloff under load.

Higher values mean that we reduce the number of always ticking components by a larger amount when the allocated time budget is exceeded.


Range > 1, Default = 2.0

Reduced work will be applied more rapidly when budget pressure goes over this amount.


Range > 1, Default = 1.5

Reduced work will be delayed until budget pressure goes over this amount.


Range > 0.0, Default = 0.25

Increased work will be delayed until budget pressure goes under a.Budget.BudgetFactorBeforeReducedWork minus this amount.


Values > 0.1, Default = 1.0

The time in milliseconds that we allocate for Skeletal Mesh work to be performed.

When overbudget various other console variables come into play, such as a.Budget.AlwaysTickFalloffAggression and a.Budget.InterpolationFalloffAggression.


Range > 0.0, Default = 3.0

How much to smooth the budget pressure value used to throttle reduced work.


Values: 0/1

Controls whether debug rendering (in builds that support it) is enabled for the Animation Budget Allocator.


Values: 0/1

Controls whether debug rendering shows addresses of component data for debugging.


Values: 0/1

Controls whether the Skeletal Mesh batching system is enabled. Should be set when there are no running Skeletal Meshes.


Range > 0.0, Default = 2.5

Controls the budget pressure where emergency reduced work (applied to all components except those that are bAlwaysTick).


Values > 0.0, Default = 0.08

Controls the time in milliseconds we expect, on average, for a Skeletal Mesh component to execute.

The value only applies for the first tick of a component, after which we use the real time the tick takes.


Range [0.1, 0.9], Default = 0.4

Controls the rate at which interpolated components falloff under load.

Higher values mean that we reduce the number of interpolated components by a larger amount when the allocated time budget is exceeded.

Components are only interpolated when the time budget is exceeded.


Values > 1, Default = 6

Controls the rate at which ticks happen when interpolating.


Range [0.1, 0.9], Default = 0.75

Controls the expected value an amortized interpolated tick will take compared to a 'normal' tick.


Range >= 0, Default = 16

Max number of components to interpolate before we start throttling.


Values >= 1, Default = 4

The maximum number of off screen components we tick (most significant first).


Values >= 1, Default = 10

The maximum tick rate we allow. If this is set then we can potentially go over budget but keep quality of individual meshes to a reasonable level.


Values [0.0, 1.0], Default = 0.0

The minimum quality metric allowed. Quality is determined simply by NumComponentsTickingThisFrame / NumComponentsThatWeNeedToTick.

If this is anything other than 0.0 then we can potentially go over our time budget.


Range [1, 255], Default = 20

Prevents reduced work from changing too often due to system and load noise. Max value used when under budget pressure.


Range [1, 255], Default = 4

Controls the max number of components that are switched to/from reduced work per tick.


Range [1, 255], Default = 2

Prevents reduced work from changing too often due to system and load noise. Min value used when over budget pressure (for example: aggressive reduction).


Range [1, 128], Default = 30

Prevents throttle values from changing too often due to system and load noise.


Values > 0.1, Default = 5.0

The speed at which the average work unit converges on the measured amount.
